I grew up in Greece, I have lived the majority of my adult life in the UK and I am 1/2 Greek, 1/2 British. Hence, why I call myself “Citizen of Nowhere” (it’s a great book, if you’ve not read it yet).

πŸ’» My Software Engineering Story

Ever since 2011, I’ve been on an exciting journey as a Software Engineer, diving into different software paradigms, stacks, and industries. My true passion lies in discovering what contemporary, effective engineering practices look likeβ€”and more importantly, in empowering teams and organizations to thrive together.

I currently work as a Principal Engineer at Flipdish, an Irish company creating easy-to-use tech solutions for independent restaurants. Before this, I spent 3.5 incredible years at cinch, where I took on various roles, culminating in Head of Engineering Practice. Ξ™ started out my career at IFS, a global enterprise software company, where I worked for 7 years on the algorithms of their Scheduling Optimisation Engine.

πŸ—ΊοΈ I like to learn & sharing

Learning and sharing knowledge is what energizes me. Whether it’s through speaking at Conferences, Meetups, or appearing on podcasts, I’m always up for engaging with various communities. If you’re interested in having me speak or collaborate on a podcast, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out at [email protected].

In the past, I co-hosted the Behind The Buzzword meetup in Manchester, UK. It was so much fun and rewarding to bring together people from different backgrounds to discuss tech topics.

πŸŽ“ My Academic Journey

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated by mathematics. I pursued Maths by studying Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Physics at the University of Patras in Greece. Later, I moved to the UK for even more Maths, via an MSc in Mathematical Sciences at Durham University in the UK. I look back at those years with nostalgia, as they were full of immense learning and exploration in the world of mathematics.

πŸ€ My Love for Basketball

Basketball has been a huge part of my life. I played at an elite level as a junior and continued semi-professionally in Greece. I even had the pleasure of coaching juniors for a few years in Nottingham, UK. The basketball court has always been a place where I find joy, solace and discipline.